Sunday, September 12, 2010

Under the Blue Sky

This is a Russian song that was sung to me this evening amongst many songs by a lovely couple I have just become friends with. This woman and her husband (Iryna and Igor) are English teachers at one of the schools in my town. I met them on the first day of school at the first bell. They invited me into their home that day and they were just such interesting people. They both went to America for several months many years ago with a program for teachers. When I was there the first time I noticed that they had a piano and a guitar and they said they would play for me some day. So I got the phone call Thursday night that they wanted to invite me over today so I went. I was very happy to hear from them. They speak excellent English and they are just very nice people.

So I went to their home and she had baked apple/pineapple cake. It was delicious! We had some cake and some fruit while we drank chai. We finished the cake it was so delicious. They mentioned how they don't eat meat, fish or eggs anymore and that their health has improved because of it. They also mention how they are always in bed by 10pm. Their daughter lives this lifestyle as well in Kiev where she works so they started doing it a few months ago and they are very happy. I explained to them that when I was living in the states I didn't eat meat. That I mainly ate fish and vegetables. So I understand about a healthier life.

After our cake and chai we went out to the living room where they sang songs and played the guitar and the piano. They sang many songs and then they even had me singing some English songs with them. We sung "Yesterday" and another Russian/Spanish/English song that means "Kiss Me A Lot" in English. Many of the songs were about love and romance. Very lovely songs.

It was interesting while they were playing for me I thought about how we just don't do things like this in America. Something so simple and so fun. We don't really do a lot of things anymore in the states where we are together and just happy being together. It is almost hard for me to enjoy these things because I am used to the states where we watch TV or we are drinking or just doing and not being. It was so nice to sit there and listen to the sound of the piano and the guitar and their soft voices. It was very sweet and they were so happy to sing for me.

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