Friday, September 10, 2010

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner....

Today was just an ordinary day. There was absolutely nothing going on today. I used the morning to relax a bit and run. Took my time going to work today. I've been working pretty hard all week so I wanted to take it easy. I was supposed to have a meeting early in the afternoon but that fell through. I got dressed and went to the center of town anyway. My friends recently sent me a package from the states with a few jars of yummy peanut butter so I needed to pick that up from my office anyway. I stopped to chat with Jud for a while then I went to my favorite cafe and had a cup of coffee. I just sat and chatted with the man who owns the cafe...Venitzia. After that I went to work got my package and headed home.

I ran into a few of my neighbor friends on my walk home. We were chatting it up in Russian. I was telling Tanya what I was going to make for dinner and I wanted to invite her to my house for dinner. We have been saying hello for weeks now so I wanted to move our relationship along. So Tanya came over with her daughter and Yula brought her two sons. I made baked chicken, salad, grechka (buckwheat), apples and honey, kalbaca and cheese and of course bread. They brought over some rice with mushrooms. Everything was really good! They also brought some beer mix. Beer mix is pretty good if you get the right flavor. We had some chai after dinner and then they left. We had a good time.

You know I haven't mentioned this in any of my blogs and I can't believe it but I have a friend in Konotop named Lyda. She is my translator for everything. I wouldn't be able to do what I do in Konotop if it wasn't for her. She doesn't expect anything from me except to speak English and the other volunteers here in Konotop know her and they say her English is definitely better from her and I working together. That makes me very happy. This means that I am helping someone. I don't have to do some major project to help people. Sometimes its the little things that make the biggest impact.

Good night!

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