Monday, November 8, 2010

Social Workers Day

After Jud's celebration I had a work event on Friday night. It was social worker's day on Wednesday and since I work for the Department of Labor and Social Welfare I went to a party on Friday that was put on by my work. We rented a cafe and had lots of food and of course VODKA. It was a good time. After all the shots of vodka it really didn't matter that I didn't speak the language. The language of drunkiness is universal. We played some games after we ate (for example...paper skiis, pop your opposing teams balloons, make a paper airplane as a couple using only one hand each). It was a good time. After all of that we started dancing and that is all she wrote. Across the way another party was going on and some of us (myself included) went over there to make new friends. I left at 1030pm and the party was still jumping. I have a limitation with my Ukrainian friends especially when I work with them!

Over the weekend I just chilled out. I have been moving and shaking for several weeks so I needed it. I went to the bazaar on Saturday morning and did some shopping. There is something really nice about perusing the bazaar and buying food and products out in the open and from people who know you by your first name. I even got a carrot for free this time. And there was a presentation going on with a vegetable peeler. I was even standing there in amazement because I haven't used a vegetable peeler in 7 months. So I bought one because he started using it on cabbage and I hate cutting cabage but peeling cabbage...well there you go. So I buy it for 15 UAH not at all bad. I get home and what do I find? I find the vegetable peeler that I brought from the USA. Oy!

Unfortunately, my weekend of relaxation was at the cost of not spending the weekend with some good friends I have met here. Group 35 PCV is going home this week and we had a party for them in a nearby town. Two people are leaving and even though I just saw them I felt bad for not going and hanging out. I will see one of them in Kiev on Wednesday but I still missed out. What I have learned here is that entirely too much goes on that takes you away from site. I literally could spend every weekend somewhere else! I don't think that is what PC wants.

I was productive this weekend. I finished up the lesson plans for the next three English classes and then I am done teaching English...YAY! Not for me!

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